Buckle your seat belts, people, this one is going to be a wild and fast ride over bumpy ground.
I just read the Newsweek Article about Nikki Catsouras, and I'm disgusted. And yes, I'm going to give you the link to the site where the photographs are posted.
Note: the Catsouras family had the original website and it's address somehow captured for their own use. The original link now goes not to a site that shows the horror of the crash, but the "horror" of showing the photos of the crash. The internet being what it is, there's always another site that can pick up the slack: Be prepared to be sickened; it's horrific.
And I don't mean about the photographs - I hope the publicity makes them the most popular photographs on the internet.
That's the point - imagine seeing this crash, realizing what factors allowed it to happen, ponder what else could have happened, and then ask yourself, the Catsouras family is going to do the world "good" by standing up to people who publish the photographs?
What about the accident? http://www.documentingreality.com/forum/f10/nicole-catsouras-nikki-lost-control-porsche-hits-toll-booth-gory-pictures-1248/ That doesn't bother them, but the photos are the real issue?
And to the Family? Here's what I have to say to you directly:
There was another car in this story - it was "clipped".
There was a toll booth in this story - the car landed two feet from a door that is designed for the ingress/egress of humans. There are a dozen other places where other people could have been killed in this story, literally a thousand other opportunities for disaster from the moment she left the driveway.
And that's the point. Take a good look at the aerial map and the trajectory of the Porsche - it crossed two lanes of oncoming traffic which normally would have been traveling at highway speed in the opposite direction, another lane coming from the toll booth traveling slower but also in the opposite direction, and the car ultimately stopped only when it smashed into an uninhabited part of the building.
You've figured this out already, right? How many cars got lucky that she didn't nail them head on (do the math - if Nikki was doing 100 mph, and the opposite lane of traffic was doing 60-80 - how much more horrific would this have been if she had not merely "clipped" the other car? That's a 160-180 mph collision.)
Now imagine the toll booth - do you think the people that operate and maintain a toll booth expect to be dodging oncoming traffic at 100 mph? The rest of us get tickets if we're going much faster than 15 MPH even with an EZ-Pass lane.
So, how many degrees of variation would we have to apply to the ten thousand different variables in the equations of this nightmare for the story to have been a lot different? Not many. What if the headline had read: "An innocent driver and three passengers were killed in a head on crash, caused by a girl driving her father's car without his permission at a high rate of speed, who had a history of cocaine use, and cocaine in her system.
The autopsy photos are what the family is upset about; instead of being grateful there weren't more bodies - innocent people - to bury for no good reason.
And did I also read that they claim that this whole thing is some "condition" that makes her vulnerable to the effects of cocaine? Holy shit - holy shit - are you fucking kidding me? As if without the genetic mutation, a "normal" person doing cocaine would not have been a problem in this story?
How many pebbles would have to be shifted to a different location to make this story not about the horrific release of the autopsy photos, but how a stupid decision by a reckless person who had the opportunity because of the carelessness of her parents cost the lives of how many other people?
To the Catsouras family: Shut the fuck up. You have no idea what monsters you are. For all the times I have been told "be grateful it wasn't worse" - and I hate hearing that - does the Catsouras family even have a clue how this story would be so much different than who released the autopsy photos if Nikki's land rocket had taken out other cars filled with other people?
My mother, born in 1939, graduated from High school in 1956, told me about the day after her Senior prom; the parents of two students killed in an accident on the night of the prom had the wreckage towed to the high school - where it stayed for the next year - to show and remind the students the consequences of drinking and driving and having "fun" behind the wheel of a car.
But I'll do you one better - I'm going to take the lack of personal responsibility you have shown for any of this - did I read that you're seeking $20 Million dollars in damages? - and call you outright whores. And here's why: You aren't the only ones who have suffered the loss of someone you love, and what happens to the image of the aftermath ought not to even be on your top 1000 list of sorrows if you had a heart to begin with.
Here's a diary I wrote about the sport I enjoy being a spectator of: NHRA Top Fuel Drag Racing. Before 2008, they used to cover 1320 feet - four football fields - in 4.5 seconds, and the highest recorded speed across the finish line was 337 miles per hour.
That's 430 feet per second.
You'd think these guys would be dropping like flies - and indeed talented men with the best safety that engineering can provide have died. The very first race I ever went to, saw the death of Blaine Johnson in 1996. Darrel Russel was killed in 2004, Eric Medlen was killed in testing in 2007, and I was at the track watching with my own eyes as Scott Kalitta desperately tried to stop his car at 330 miles per hour as an engine fire melted his parachutes and he slammed into a steel pole designed to catch him from running off the track at over 130 miles per hour.
And because of that, they now only race to 1000 feet - a full football field and both endzones shorter - and still manage to reach 310 miles per hour in 4.0 seconds.
And here's where irony meets sickening reality. One of these NHRA top fuel drivers, Doug Herbert - who still pushes these limits a dozen times every weekend for a living - lost both of his sons, the oldest 17 (driving) and the youngest 14, a helpless passenger, in a passenger car on a public highway on their way to McDonalds.
That's right - on their way to McDonalds. Not the kind of situation where one woudld need fire-retardant suits with boots, and gloves, and a head-sock; not the kind of situation where one would need fire extinguishers, a helmet, head and neck restraints, and a safety crew on standby only 50 feet away. The older of the two brothers, a newly licensed driver, tried to pass on a double-yellow line and hit another car head on. Both he and his brother were killed. And do you know what Doug Herbert is doing about it?
He's not filing lawsuits about how traumatized he is over the autopsy photos. He's on the road - promoting a program that he created called "BRAKES" - Be Responsible And Keep Everyone Safe. And you ought to know that my heart aches and I cry every time I watch the interview of him, admitting to the entire TV audience that his own son was reckless, and that is what got him and his brother killed. Amazingly enough in that story, the other driver was not killed either.
So to hear the Catsouras family think the photographs are the issue here pisses me the fuck off.
Here's a quote from another article - and I need some verification on this quote, but if it's accurate, take everything I said in this diary and muliply by 12.
"The bottom line is, teenagers sometimes do stupid things," Lesli Catsouras said.
If that is the "bottom line" in this family, not only do I have utterly no sympathy for any of them, they deserve no mercy. Their indifference to the potential consequences that they were unfathomably fortunate to have avoided is paralyzingly unconscionable.
How can anyone be that indifferent to what took place?
But it gets worse - Leslie, the mother, says,
"The fact is that we will never get rid of the photos anyway," says Lesli, Nikki's mother. "So we have made a decision to make something good come out of this horrible bad."
I'm paralyzed with disbelief that these selfish narcissists think that they're the one's who have suffered here - like the real problem is not that a young girl had a drug problem, an emotional problem, that her parents have so much more money and luxury and comfort that any of us will ever dream of and seem to be indifferent to all of that - but the real tragedy is that they can't live with the image of the girls head split wide open.
The image is what bothers them - not so much how it got that way.
I wish you could watch me seething with rage right now. I am so disgusted.
Who are these people?
Who's fault was it that this girl is dead? (It can't be the Nikki's fault or her parents or any of a dozen other factors in this story, right?)
Who's fault was it that there isn't anyone else dead? (well we don't need to think about that because it didn't happen, so just leave them alone)
But the thing that has you seeking TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS - ONLY because of that - is the wretched autopsy photographs?
No effort to address what caused the accident.
No effort to address prevention and some thought given to all the factors involved.
Just your own personal trauma over the photographs.
Spare me.
Get lost.
Do you know why I'm so pissed at you?
Because we still have almost half of this country frantic and hysterical and looking at their own neighbors and family like we're enemies of the state because they have an obsessive fear of terrorism. Terrorism -
Let's take a look at the top causes of death in the United States in the year 2001, the year 2,978 Americans were killed in the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and the revolt of the passengers of United Flight 93:
NationalVital Statistics Reports,Vol. 52, No.3, September 18, 2003
The 15 leading causes of death in 2001 were as follows:
700,000 - Diseases of heart (heart disease)
550,000 - Malignant neoplasms (cancer)
163,000 - Cerebrovascular diseases (stroke)
120,000 - Chronic lower respiratory diseases (lung disease)
97,700 - Accidents (unintentional injuries)
71,000 - Diabetes mellitus (diabetes)
62,000 - Influenza and pneumonia Alzheimer’s disease
39,000 - Nephritis (kidney disease)
32,000 - Septicemia (infection)
29,000 - Intentional self-harm (suicide)
27,000 - Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
20,000 - Assault (homicide)
20,000 - Essential (primary) hypertension and hypertensive renal
disease (hypertension)
See terrorism in the top ten?
I don't. I see suicide...that ought to be a sign.
Suicide and Homicide in the top ten, and let's call the 100,000 accidents a form of suicide and homicide. Either the one who caused it lost their life, or the poor unsuspecting victim who couldn't get out of the way in time.
Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death in people of all ages from 2 to 33 years in the US 2000 (Traffic Safety Facts, National Center for Statistics and Analysis, NHTSA, 2003)
Estimated 1.48 people died per 100 million vehicle miles of travel in the US 2003 (Traffic Safety Facts, National Center for Statistics and Analysis, NHTSA, 2003)
Estimated 117 deaths each day were caused by motor vehicle crashes in the US 2003 (Traffic Safety Facts, National Center for Statistics and Analysis, NHTSA, 2003) .
If you want to put that in perspective you can hardly grasp, the average number of people on the most popular airliner in the US, a Boeing 737, is about 120 people.
Do you think we'd be so absurdly indifferent if a planload full of people fell out of the sky and killed everyone aboard - every day of the year?
Stupid, careless, preventable accidents. And we even have libertarians who think it's some kind of salute to patriotism to take their seat belt and helmets off just to thumb their nose at what they see as the "Nanny State".
So we're indifferent to what we can change; what is in our control - and yet we're obsessed with the causes that are at the extremes: The war on drugs: What causes the violence in death, the drugs, or the criminal network because it's still illegal. Almost a hundred years after we gave up on trying to legislate morality with Prohibition of alcohol, we're still at it with everything from prescription drugs to marijuana.
But cars? Hey, we all gotta get somewhere, so it's just a price we think is worth all the misery that comes with it.
We've got people being put in jail left and right for drug offenses, and while these people are bitching about the autopsy photos, I don't see much responsibility being addressed because their daughter had cocaine in her system. For all of us who think that drugs ought to be legal, Nikki Catsouras just gave the drug police another reason to keep arresting people, thanks for that.
So do I think you have a case in recovering "damages" for the showing of the autopsy photos?
No way. You should be paying for those pictures to be blown up to real-life scale, and to be posted in every drug rehab center and high school and college campus in America.
Hey - a lot of us lose people we love in horrific ways. Let's ponder the alternative, Mr. Catsouras - I watched my father drink himself do death after having half his mouth and tongue cut out to remove cancer; But he still kept smoking and drinking. I was forced to watch the slow self-destruction of someone I loved, who in his last eigth years let his own bad habits gradually make his quality of life so unbearable, that he passed up the morphine that the doctor had prescribed, and instead chose to drink himself to death with two half-gallons of gin in a single day.
Was it more traumatic for you to see your photos go public, or for me to have to watch all that in private and listen to those who knew about it tell me there was "nothing I could do"?
Was it less traumatic to watch that with my own eyes over the course of eight years; the last two being so agonizing that the shrinks in town locked me up rather than come and get him, than it is for the Katsuras family to have seen the autopsy photos?
So now we're measuring the value of someone's life by the image of how it ended.
Oh this is going to be ugly indeed.
You can just take your little act and go the fuck home. I am so disgusted, so repulsed, so unsympathetic with your little charade of pitty and lack of remorse, I hope they charge you back for the legal fees of your own case.
How dare you.
How dare you.
You know it is a matter of fractions of an inch that made the difference between your daughter being the only victim in this (I'll admit senseless tragedy) and the possibility of there having been many more victims.
You have the luxury -- yes, the luxury -- of knowing that your daughter merely "clipped" another car, and that the ballistic weapon that was your precious fucking Porche did not destroy the toll booth and who knows how many other people or vehicles.
You should be forced to have that picture printed on a T-Shirt, and be made to wear it while walking through every shopping mall in the country for the next ten years. And show the world that you're not a victim in this story because the photos were leaked; you're the luckiest father in California because his reckless and out of control daughter didn't kill anyone else with his fucking hot-rod Porsche that he bought to show off his wealth and deal with his mid-life crisis.
How dare you.
Go home already. And be grateful for all the headstones you don't have to apologize for, you selfish stupid fools.
I downloaded the photos so that if they get taken down, I can put them up again.
So sue me. To think that any of us have some right to privacy in this day and age is a pretty bizarre fantasy in itself; If I went out and caused such an accident that killed someone else and I had lived; do you think that I would be able to keep the photos private if the family of who I killed wanted to make them example of my reckless behavior?
How can it be anyone can declare the right to keep private an event that happened in full view of those forced to witness it live with their own eyes, and yet a captured photo of that event is an invasion of privacy?
Privacy? This was an event that took place in the open on a public road - where's the privacy?
Do you really want to tell me - I can't even believe you're going to give me the opportunity to write this - do you really want to tell me that somehow the death of your daughter under the given circumstances would be less traumatic, and easier for you to deal with if only it weren't for the photographs?
Are you fucking kidding?
Do something right for once in your life.
Drop the goddamn lawsuit, and call up Doug Herbert. You can google him yourself. I'm sure he would welcome the opportunity to have you to join him in his BRAKES program, and instead of you trying to get rich(er) from the lawsuit over the autopsy photos, why don't you do what you can to make sure that some other kid doesn't use his or her father's car as a loaded weapon??
You still have shown little evidence of how grateful you should be - but don't seem to be - that your daughter is the only one dead in this story.
I cant' believe you have the gall; the unmitigated gall, to think you're a victim in this story.
You could have locked up the goddamn keys, Dad. Like any good father would to keep his kids away from loaded weapons. Then again given the galactic stupidity and shameless bravado of the NRA in this country, I almost expect to see you on tour with them bragging about the freedom to own Porsches without having to use a "trigger lock" mandated by the nanny state government.
Funny how nobody in the conservative movement gets it that a Nanny is only needed when the kids can't behave properly by themselves.
Drop the lawsuit and go home.
I'm sorry for your loss, but you don't seem to be at all.
And that's the story here.
You are heartless and hateful, you must be from Arizona or Oregon. What if someone taunted you with your son or daughters horrible death pics saying hi daddy im still alive, do you know the real story you ill mannered self centered moron!?
I don't have any response to your comment. If the argument you are making is still that people who comment about the death of this girl is "hateful", but none of you have the courage to plumb the depths of just how fortunate she - and her family - is that she didn't kill a dozen other people on her rampage, there is nothing you and I will ever talk productively or constructively about.
Go to the websites that show the crash. She crossed over three lanes of oncoming traffic - and that's just in the half-mile before she hit the toll plaza building.
This girl would have been vilified - and you would have been the biggest mouth in the mob - if she had killed five other people before she died, which was irrefutably possible, and arguably a fortunately avoided possibility.
And no, I'm not from either Oregon or Arizona, but I am sort of curious what that could ever have to do with the number of oil pan bolts there are on a 1970 Dodge Dart.
Wow, you are evil and sick. And you also sound very jealous of their wealth. Get some help fast. You sound like you're on the verge of committing a mass murder.
I posted a second comment but deleted it. I had second thoughts so I'm reposting it. I think you need to hear it. Your hatefulness has warped your mind and you need to seek help very fast. You're on the verge of hurting others. Or possibly yourself.
You seem to know what's in my head.
Why and how am I going to hurt someone? Tell me how much you can see into my head.
What's my favorite color?
This post has been up and visible to the public since 2009. A logical mind (and not a reactionary one) would think if i was that unstable, some evidence of that would be present by now.
Honestly. A girl got lucky that she was the only one who died. Why does that make me likely to hurt someone else?
I think you should stop watching Dr. Phil and realize you don't know as much as you think you know, and your grandstanding on a public website is unbecoming.
I don't hate anyone.
Rage is not the same as hate. Someone did something stupid and could have injured or killed many people in the process. I'm upset her parents got paid for the trauma they experienced with a picture of a real event; if that picture had been of the peeled skulls of a dozen other people who the Porche could have plowed into and they were spread all over the highway, the 20 million would not be going to the Catsouras family.
While you're diagnosing my psychiatric conditions, why don't you show me you understand something about the laws of physics and prove to me that my argument is not valid before you address the rage I have in making it.
Somewhere in the neighborhood of 40,000 people a year - EVERY YEAR - are going to be killed in car accidents. Many more maimed and crippled and wounded for life, but America is blowing up other countries with bombs to "save lives". I want this country to address the carnage and misery and pain and death of what people driving recklessly do to other Americans.
You can't join that argument it seems, because you're busy distracting everyone to suggest I am the real problem.
So the 40,000 dead from auto accidents doesn't bother you as much as my anger.
I'm not so sure I'd really be proud of that.
I need to know - what precisely are you going to present to the authorities that proves I am somehow a threat to others by my post, and (seriously think about this) this post was written in 2009. Aren't you glad I've waited so long to act on that so you could be the person who stops me all this much time later?
Come on. You've got some issues of your own.
OK, let me get this straight:
You're basically saying that because the parents didn't show any signs of being grateful that no one else got killed, the family deserves as follows:
1. They deserve to be cyberbullied and taunted with emails with misleading titles that trick them into opening the gruesome photos of their obliterated daughter
2. Nikki's younger sister deserves her sister's crash photos to be thrown in her face at every turn, being reminded over and over that Nikki HAS NO FACE thus traumatizing her
3.The whole family should be ridiculed over and over for bad raising decisions concerning Nikki's upbringing
4. They also should be ridiculed for they are rich, making them to seem vapid and shallow for asking for millions of dollars for emotional damages caused by the leaked photos
5. They don't deserve any peace, nor to express their grief. They have no right to say anything at all.
6. They are not owed privacy and respect due their loss
Whats worse is that though you speak of their so-called arrogance, you display your own by insulting political stances that have nothing to do with it, all the while believing that adults need to be babysat by the government to behave themselves. Thanks for assuming that you know what's best for all of us, my modern-day Messiah.
Look, I agree that they didn't do a stellar job in raising the girl, but who's to say that they did a bad job? I'm sure you knew plenty of teens that had great parents and rebelled anyway.I know a few. But do they have to be reminded over and over about their mistakes? Isn't seeing this one time enough mental torture? Yes, Nikki played a stupid game and got a stupid prize,but throwing it in their faces won't help them change (if that's even your intent, to which I highly doubt). And if they were horrible parents, they're not serial killers. Even if Nikki killed a whole carload of people due to her recklessness, she's not John Wayne Gacy. Serial killers deserve to be treated like this, not idiot teenagers. Everyone has paid the price. Let that be punishment enough.
If Nikki had been a black girl, an hispanic girl, anything other than a pretty,young, white girl, none of these people would jump to her defense. I know damn well these people would be horrified by "There's Something Wrong With Aunt Diane." Diane Schuler would be the devil incarnate for these people.
I sure as fuck don't think her family needs $20 million because they saw a goddamn picture. All they'll do with that money is buy daddy another weapon-I mean vehicle. We all know, justice doesn't work quite the same for the rich, so if/when another one of their kids goes on a bender and actually kills someone, they'll get the affluenza treatment.
Beth Ricketts nailed it if you ask me.
Yes this post has a lot of rage (Can we also remember this was written in 2009, 7 YEARS Ago and only in the last 2 years people have stared commenting on it? Geeze) but there were also a lot of pretty good points. Then the comments have good points as well (mostly about the family not deserving to be taunted by the photos by assholes online).
However, the original author is allowed to express their rage. Peoples instant assumption that anger/rage = something wrong with OP is the problem. NO OP's anger.
The whole thing is a shit show, but seriously, people. It's been 7 YEARS. This post is 7 YEARS old. Let. It. GO.
I heard about the Nikki Catsourus story years ago when somebody e mailed me the horrific pictures of the accident. As I followed the story I felt awful for the family having to go through this tragedy. I hadn't thought about it for years but for some reason it recently popped backed into my head so I started looking it up again online and that's when I found that the mother had written a book about it. I'm not even half way through the book and I'm learning so many things that i never knew about the story, like Nikki's drug use and rebellious behavior. All these years I was under the impression that Nikki was such a sweet innocent young girl who made a bad choice one day but I'm finding out that that isn't really the case at all. So now I stumble on this blog, which, if I would've read it years ago I would've thought the author was a heartless asshole but now I actually agree with most of what he's saying. Nikki's parents should be using this tragedy to warn other parents and teens of the dangers of drug use and driving reckless. They also really should be extremely grateful that Nikki's poor choice that day only cost her her life and didn't take any other innocent lives. I don't however think that her parents oo anyone else in the family deserved to be taunted with the awful emails and images of their deceased daughter.
I think the author has several good points as it relates to car crashes. I completely understand what he is (was) angry at. You should never profit off of something like this. The facts he puts forth about how many people are killed in car crashes each year is disturbing to see how little public awareness it gets, its 50,000 a year. One comparison the author didnt make, 17 years of war in Vietnam, 58,000 Americans dead, 1 year on America's highways 50,000 dead. And that is EVERY year. But like he said, we all have to get somewhere and that's the price we pay. So I think all the statistical information he gives was done very well. As far as the angst for that family my verdict is this: They certainly don't deserve any of the cruel things ppl say or pictures they send to them, thats just uncalledfor. But, and I think we can all agree on this, as much as they DON'T deserve any of the online cruelty, they also DON'T deserve any $20 million settlement either. As strongly as i feel they don't deserve any online or elswhere taunting or curelty, i believe just as strongly they don't deserve to profit from their daughters death, or, for poetic justice's sake, they get the settlement, on the condition that the ENTIRE amount has to be donated to a mixture of drug rehab driving awareness/training basically donated to all the bad decisions that led up to this. That way it could do some kind of good, whether it be a spoiled little rich girl on coke driving a car that was way out of her league, or a victim of a crash or anything that may help future people to not end up the same way.
I couldn't get past the part where death scene/crash site photos get ignorantly misconstrued as "autopsy photos".
I couldn't get past the part where death scene/crash site photos get ignorantly misconstrued as "autopsy photos".
You are a disgusting, bitter, hateful piece of shit! You seem very jealous that this girl was beautiful and her family was rich. Do YOU Know them? We're you there the day she stole the car? Did you know how the argument went down? Probably not! I hope to God that your kids don't become drug addicts and do something stupid. I would hope no one would tell you they/you deserved it. I'm sorry that your dad slowly killed himself in front of you. I really am but would you say he deserved it or have someone say you deserved it for not doing more without knowing the circumstances? I do agree, however, while reading your post that they shouldn't be trying to profit from it and should accept her lack of responsibility AND should be trying to help others but they didn't. They still don't deserve to have people sending hateful messages along with the destroyed image of there once innocent baby girl. Btw, I'm not even a mother and this makes me sick. I suggest you sit down, drink some wine (don't drive) and try to determine why you are so outraged at someone you don't even know!
When I was 15-year's-old, myself, 2 of my cousin's, a neighbor's 2-year-old daughter, and my cousin's boyfriend were ran over by a car that was in a auto-accident with another car and lost control of her car one evening on July 6, 1995. We were all resided in Las Vegas, Nevada. My youngest cousin was hurt the worst... He was walking alongside of his bike when we were hit and he ended up with the car on top of him. He suffered a scull fracture and had a compound fracture on his leg. I was holding the neighbor's daughter when I was struck... Luckily, the car never touched her, but she was cut up by the glass and the palm tree that she grazed... She recieveda total of over a hundred stitches all over her body. I flew over the car and landed in some bushes... I hit my face on a raised utility box that knocked me out. I ended up with most of my injuries on my face. My nose was broken, my four front top teeth were broken and shoved up into my gums, I had a broken nose, I had a broken jaw, my right cheek was crushed, and a branch from one of the bushes penetrated my stomach. I also had numerous lacerationsall over my body. My other cousin and her boyfriendwere the least injured. My cousin ended up with a hair-line fracture in her leg and some bumps and scrapes. Her boyfriend walked away with a few bumps and bruises as well.
That summer, a show called Rescue 911 was in Las Vegas because there were a lot of report's of kid's drowning. When they heard that 5-kid's involved in a multi-car accident, they immediately reported to the scene. The video of our accident is on YouTube... I'll attach the link if anyone would like to see it. My whole point for telling this story is because the lady who actually hit us had car insurance but it was only $30,000. This money went to my cousin that the car landed on but his medical bill's were very extensive as he was in the hospital for a month and then had to go live at a rehabilitation center to learn how to walk and talk again. The other vehicle left the scene. It was said that the people who saw what happens said that the men inside that car appeared to be intoxicated. The car was found a few week's later but there was no way to track the car to the driver so that was a dead end. Luckily, my mom had great insurance so theyou covered a big portion of my medical bill's but what was left my mom had to pay them out of her own pocket. We weren't looking to become rich... The lady that hit us was a single mother... It wasn't her fault. I feel bad for the family of this young girl... Yes she made a stupid mistake for driving recklessly, and her and her family are lucky that no one else was hurt but I don't think it's right that they become millionaires over the leaking of a couple of photo's as it won't bring their daughter back!!! We could have sued the lady who hit us but what would've come out of a single mother that had her young kid's to take care of??? I think it just proves that people are in many ways greedy for benefiting off of a sad situation!!!
As I mentioned earlier, I am going to post the link to the video that I mentioned earlier. I hope thato this helps spread the danger of auto-pedestrian accident's. Have a blessed week y'all!!!
Plenty of black people would jump to her defense if she very black. People identify with people they can identify with. Get off your high horse.
You seem like a real piece of garbage. Yeah I don't think they deserve any money but they also don't deserve internet trash like yourself harassing them.
You seem like a real piece of garbage. Yeah I don't think they deserve any money but they also don't deserve internet trash like yourself harassing them.
Oh shut the hell up. If the family didn't want to see the pics then don't open emails from unknown sender. They don't deserve to be cyberbullied but they don't deserve $3 million either.
The author is not harassing anyone. Just stating an opinion. First amendment and all
As a father I can totally sympathize with this father. I would be crushed if this happened to my daughter. But I would be so grateful that no one else was seriously injured by her actions. I think the author has a very good point though. This situation did and does call for some humility and gratitude that no one else was seriously injured. We have yet to see the family say anything to this effect.
Fact of the matter is, it happened how it happened & not all of the theories u mentioned. This was someone's child. Regardless of her irresponsible decisions that day, she was a daughter and a sister that was loved by her family. Had this been a family member of mine & these pictures were leaked, I'd be furious as well. Nikki was responsible for her actions that day. The police department should be responsible for the pictures. Period.
I had a friend die in a similar accident to this. I want to share my story and feelings.
He was wealthy, and no stranger to trouble. He always got bailed out. He did things every day that if a poor black kid did they'd lock him up and throw away the key. But he was a pretty rich white boy with well-known parents, and he got away with everything. Drugs and alcohol ruled his life. In a way I do have pity; he was, at the end, a slave to both his addictions and his enabling.
One night, he took his parents SUV without asking. He had three friends with him. He was plastered at the very least. He was allegedly going to Walmart to buy more alcohol and canned whipped cream for whippets; at least that's what he told the last people he talked to before he left. He drove on a moderately curved road (35 speed limit) at over 100 and hit a wall. The road is fairly high traffic even at night due to a college being off of it. Lots of delivery drivers all night, like myself, delivering to the college. He wrecked around 1 am if memory serves, one of the highest traffic times for delivery drivers delivering to that school. I think about it every time I deliver there, it gives me chills. Cops are rarely patrolling, as they turn a blind eye to the frequently drunk affluent students driving around.
His three friends survived; one with fairly extensive injuries. It was a single car accident. Money couldn't save my friend from death, he succumbed to injuries a day later.
My fiancé was his best friend in the world, or thought he was at least. The only reason he is alive today and was not in that car was because he was living in Wisconsin at the time. If he had been living here he would be dead or worse. My fiancé grew up, but the friend wouldn't have. He was out of control and destined to crash and burn both litterally and figuratively. I've been in treatment for a few years on and off for an accident I was in; a drunk hit me and I was nearly killed. I saw it coming and was able to save myself and come out okay. But it gives me chills, and I think about the accident my friend had a lot, and place myself in various scenarios that night; it's the curse of my trauma to think like that. Every night that I work I drive down that road and I see the rebuilt wall he hit, I think to myself that not only is he lucky to not have survived with extensive brain damage or paralysis, but those kids are lucky. Innocent drivers are lucky. Everyone he didn't kill but could have was lucky. I think of my fiancé being in the car and I feel ill. Or me driving around that bend in my little convertable to deliver a pizza and him hitting me head on, which would smash me unrecognisable. Or my fiancé delivering and being hit. Or anyone. It makes me litterally ill. And yes, it's sad; but it's a wonder he didn't drag anyone down with him to the pits of hell.
Over the years I've felt less sympathy and more anger. Angry that someone I called a friend would at best hurt his friends and family so much. I fell out with him because I TRIED to steer him right. And at the end of the day I almost got in trouble and I could tell his parents kind of blamed me, or eyed me with suspicion. I was an outsider, and far from affluent. At worst he could have murdered someone(s) with his selfish carelessness. And with more time I just became realistic. I see the situation for what it was. And it's terrifying.
I understand your post. Having been close to someone who actually died almost exactly as she did, in virtually the same boat, I understand. And I don't think you're hateful. You should be angry. I've been called hateful, but I know that I'm realistic. I think cynicism is closer to reality than any other outlook. Wealthy kids get bought out of consequences until it kills them. Or everyone else around them.
What a sad world.
Amen. Fuck the pics. Thank God it was only herself she took and not many others because of her choices. At young ages we are taught to make right choices or suffer the consequences...I know because I've done dumb shit but not this dumb. She knew that she was high and defying her father by taking his car then defying the speed limits and sometimes that's the dice we roll. Sad story but it is what it is...and the parents should be setting up a fund for families who's loved one gets killed because of others dumbass choices when they are high. Spoiled brat she was...MONIES CAN BUT YOU EVERYTHING BUT NOT MAKE YOU COMPLETELY HAPPY. YOU CAN BUY LOVE BUT NOT THE LOVE YOU TRULY NEED AND DESERVE.
Amen. Fuck the pics. Thank God it was only herself she took and not many others because of her choices. At young ages we are taught to make right choices or suffer the consequences...I know because I've done dumb shit but not this dumb. She knew that she was high and defying her father by taking his car then defying the speed limits and sometimes that's the dice we roll. Sad story but it is what it is...and the parents should be setting up a fund for families who's loved one gets killed because of others dumbass choices when they are high. Spoiled brat she was...MONIES CAN BUT YOU EVERYTHING BUT NOT MAKE YOU COMPLETELY HAPPY. YOU CAN BUY LOVE BUT NOT THE LOVE YOU TRULY NEED AND DESERVE.
This is the original author.
For those of you who say I'm sick and I'm ready to do something awful and I need mental help, well done, you've created yet ANOTHER distraction.
Here's the last paragraph from the Newsweek article I linked to in my original post:
"Today the entire family is in therapy, and they've taken out a second mortgage to cover the costs of their legal battle. They still eat dinner as a family each night, but Nikki's seat sits empty. At times, they wish they could put it all behind them. But for the moment, they're focused on the June 1 deadline for a California appeals court to rule on their case. "In a perfect world, I would push a button and delete every one of the images," says Lesli. In the real world, she finds some comfort in working to change the laws, so that photos of some future family's dead child might stay locked away, leaving only smiling, lively images to remember."
They wish the could put it all behind them. So we've now moved past the actions of this girl - who had a history of misbehavior, a history of her drug use and abuse, a history of disputes and arguments with her parents which was anything but a normal family. And now they get a free pass on all that -
...on all of the original dysfunction in the family that contributed to this girl's stupid and reckless behavior, and
well, that's America.
IN 2013 I started work in a warehouse; a real meat grinder with a 60% turnover rate in the first 90 days. 14 straight weeks without a day off - 68 hours a week. And there was this one guy who was imperturbable; always quiet, always polite, always smiling. Just did his job and showed up the next day to do it again.
He went out one night with his childhood friend, a kid he knew since he was five, and they were drinking. Carl had a new truck - five years worth of payments ahead of him and he's on number six. Carl passes out. Carl's best friend grabs his keys and goes out for more beer.
Carl's friend wrecks the truck, and is killed in the crash. So Carl wakes up to find his best friend is dead, his truck is trashed and he has no way to work any more; and he still has 57 payments to make on a truck that is in a scrapyard.
My employer fired him because he missed too much work in the wake of that.
Same employer: girl loses her best friend since childhood because the other girl was driving while on the cell phone, got distracted, and flipped/rolled at 70 miles an hour on the highway.
Three people dead from their own dumb behavior, and America is blowing up other countries to "save lives" from terrorists - who, if you can do very simple math - would NEVER be able to kill as many Americans as AMERICANS kill all by ourselves.
30,000 homicides.
40,000 automobile accidents.
30,000 suicides.
and we're talking about the trauma from online cyber-bullying? Like those of you who made summary character judgments about me and suggest I'm about to hurt someone? Take your projection somewhere else.
People die every day and you don't give one single fuck, nor a rat's ass.
That I'm pissed off about that is what makes you think I"m crazy?
Find me a courtroom and let's have that discussion, I welcome it.
America doesn't know or care about "life" unless it's on it's own terms, and it changes those terms to suit it's needs.
Profit from a tragedy; claim to be a victim because someone photographed it and distributed it
But whatever you do, America, don't get off your keyboard to prevent the next one.
I sleep very well at night because I'm pissed off about the right things.
And I don't loose sleep that some of you think I'm wrong.
I totally agree with your anger. I lost a coworker and her unborn son days before she was due because of a distracted driver. I was a cop and the carelessness and unnecessary death disgusts me. I was very hard on drunk drivers in my career. I think everyone should be. It's incredibly selfish, just like driving 100mph in a stolen porche.
On my coat fatal crash, I had to notify a family thier 19 year old son had died. Thier reaction made me proud of them as humans. The FIRST WORDS they said was "oh my God, was anyone else hurt?"
As mom dropped to the floor sobbing, she kept asking how he could do that to them. "How could he do this to us?" she cried, "we told him we would pick him up, we TOLD HIM to call and we would get him. He didn't have to do this. He was so stupid and selfish."
My thoughts exactly. I wish all parents felt that way. It's our job to teach our kids to take responsibility for thier actions. Not to sue when thier foolish and stupid actions make us feel sad.
Perhaps she should of hit you before she crashed. the world would be better off without you. you should kill your mother for not drowning you at birth and then set yourself on fire.
I'm reading these comments about how hateful the original post is
and I'm wondering, those of you who are angry at the OP - that's me -
how your perspective on what has been written by me
would be different
if Nikki Catsouras has hit you, or a member of your family, and killed or crippled you or someone else before she herself was killed.
That's what amazes me about all the hatred for me, the guy who wrote the post
there are people in this country who are in jail for driving as recklessly as she did, who have the burden of the deaths of other people on their heads - and their family's head -
and none of you seem to grasp any of that.
It's blind luck she didn't cripple or kill anyone else.
So instead of her parents being grateful for that small detail
they went out and sought more money than any of you or I will ever make in ten lifetimes
That's a pretty good deal if you can get it.
Say what you want about me, but it's a fact none of you want to deal with:
If Nikki Catsouras had been two more feet to the left when she "clipped" the other car she hit before she wrecked herself and killed another driver instead of, or in addition to herself
you all know that the 20 million dollar judgement would be against the Catsouras family.
But because of a few pictures -
somehow that all changes.
Welcome to America.
Thank you, Kevin Baker - for anyone who commented that I am the hateful one, I present to you a member of our US Armed forces -
"you should kill your mother for not drowning you at birth and then set yourself on fire."
Hoo Ah. Well now, that sort of puts my point of view in perspective, doesn't it?
I rant about someone who drove so recklessly she could have killed someone, and I'm a monster.
This guy rants about me who just wrote about it, and in the land of the free, the home of the brave, where free speech is the only rule,
we're now wishing for the death of my mother and to currently set myself on fire.
Hey -
process this with your hatred - while our armed forces are spread all over the world chasing terrorists,
about 35,000 to 40,000 people EVERY YEAR are going to be crippled or killed while driving their car - or yours -
that's the death toll from 9/11 about every three weeks.
But I'm not allowed to rant on that because, well I should be on fire and my mother should have been dead before my birth.
meanwhile, every day in this country, the roughly the same number of people that can fill of a 737 airliner to capacity will die in their cars.
Every 24 hours a planeload full of people dies on the highway.
But let's go after my disgusting use of free speech, shall we?
Because nobody who hates me - as you're allowed to - has the courage or the answers to address what your plan is for the planeload of people who will die between every two sunrises in America.
No, let's go blow up a foreign country to "save American lives", but skip the nasty incidental death toll of Americans, just like you and me - and Nikki Catsouras - who are going to go about their lives every day and think they will make it home.
about 120 of you won't.
Don't tell anyone, OK?
Let's go after the guy who said $20 million is a sick sum of money for a few pictures of a girl who had the blind luck to not be on the other end of the lawsuit - and in jail, has she in fact killed someone else and still survived her own crash.
Does anybody with all your hatred for me have the courage to talk about that?
I'm leaving this here for all of you who think I"m heartless because I wrote this.
Not one of you yet has addressed my observation that if you do just the slightest research on the Catsouras case, you will find aerial photographs that detail the path her father's Porsche took in the seconds before she mangled herself.
Not one of you has pointed out that the path of that car crossed three lanes of oncoming traffic and slammed into a structure that was only one lane away from another structure that was occupied by a human being.
And so I leave you this question:
Are you still going to defend the lawsuit seeking 20 million dollars damages for the leak of a picture of a dead girl, who, if the trajectory of the car that she died in had been different by only two feet, could have killed at least one other person? (She did clip another car) -
follow the whole trip back to it's origin, we will never know how many other cars were fortunate to not have been in the path of this bullet aimed at no one in particular.
So, for the records:
If the headline had read,
"Girl impaired by drugs, with a history of their use as well as emotional instability in her past, killed an innocent driver (or pick a number for how many multiples there could be)"
...do you think the lawsuit against her - and her parents (they would have gone after the Father's estate, since it was his car and he was her father, and he had more than a tangential relationship to the how and why she was in the car that day)
If the car Nikki Catsouras was driving had instead killed anybody else
do any of you think that the autopsy photos would even have been a consideration in THAT lawsuit, because I think "involuntary manslaughter with aggravating factors" would start somewhere north of that.
Go ahead and demonize me.
But today, on average, about 130 people are going to be seeing a coroner tonight and not their family because they were doing what Nikki Catsouras was doing - driving their car.
And while I've got a member of the U.S. Military - pictured in uniform - who's giving me grief for posting this,
remember that we avenge people, countries, and organizations that result in the death's of people who were not to blame for their death. I just can't find where anyone responsible for this person's mangled corpse but herself,
and that we are now liable for taking a picture of a factual, historical, witnessed event because the picture is horrible,
and we're calling that "bullying" -- that's the first page in the book about Upside Down Town.
I have a friend who turned left in front of traffic one day. He wore his seat belt and his truck had an airbag. The head-on collision killed the other driver. He wasn't drunk, he wasn't on drugs, he just made a mistake in judgment, and the laws of physics favored his bigger, heavier truck with airbags and his choice to wear a seat belt over the smaller, lighter, older car who's driver didn't have an airbag and didn't wear his seatbelt.
My friend's insurance company paid the judgment, and it was not $20 million, although it was more money than I've ever made in the years i have been in the workforce combined, and I'm almost 50.
anyone here want to sue the photographer who took the crash scene photos if that was you, or your mother, or daughter, or brother, or spouse who was on the losing end of Nikki Catsouras's luck, if it had been 24 inches to either side of the path she took?
I didn't think so.
Fucking crazy hateful person!! She had a brain tumor at the age of 8... she almost died... the doctors told her parents that she would suffer from impulse control and personality changes...I hope you never loose a loved one... this was tragic to this family. You don't have a heart or compassion. You're a psychopath. Seek help.
Blah blah blah... Excuses excuses.... How many other people on this planet have recovered from brain tumors yet somehow managed not to get wasted, steal a car, and drive 100mph down the hwy like a maniac? IJS
Every one is so quick to be mad at the author but seriously, what of she had killed a family in that other car? What if it had been your family she killed? It is a horrible thing but it could have been so much worse. I imagine the toll boothes here where i live, they're sorta made cheaply, had she hit one here it would have been destroyed and killed whoever was in it. I can't say how i would feel if i were her family, but i can see where the author is coming from.
The original poster is a fucking idiot...He keeps contending that this girl could have killed other innocent people, and that is true...But, she FUCKING DIDN'T...It was a horrible accident, but no famity deserves to have those photos available for the entire world to see...The original poster also takes offense that the family doesn't care that no one else was killed. Well, how the fuck do you know that!...They have lost something very precious to them, and if I was in their situation, I would also sue the pants off of the one's responsible for leaking those inappropriate photos. It's just plain wrong!...Obviously, I do not agree much with the original poster. He needs to get a life. And, go fuck himself too...
Your Profile pic makes me vomit...more than the young girl who made a mistake as we all have she crashed a Porsche...you fuckin ate one
At least that’s what your profile pic looks like...the mother fuckin sin of gluttony...
Probably not you...you’ve suffered from mental retardation
Thank you...I shouldn’t be upset by all the trolls...I’m so glad there are people still with compassion in this world
And sorry trolls...your super cute...these the shit of trolls
I never ever drink and drive but I bet everyone else I the car was drunk as well
strange how people who don't like the OP have so many different ways to tell him to go fuck himself, and yet they call him hateful. I guess once the other guy goes first, all's fair?
But I noticed not one of them has the integrity to face, address, or argue what he was asking you:
If Catsouras's car had hit one or two cars head-on as it crossed the freeway, how many fatalities would there have been? So you all say
"yeah, but that didn't happen"
Sorry you failed to even grasp Law School 101 - negligence, which invites the opportunity for disaster or death is also a crime.
So I am sure the OP doesn't worry too much about your opinion. He surely holds as much value and respect for you who offered it as you do for him. Well done.
Yvonne Wilson, you wrote one of the best replies that could be written. Needless to say that I agree with you. Compliments!!
Nikki made a horrible mistake, yes, but she was just 18 and her judgment was impaired, and she paid for it with her life. No need to lynch her or her parents. I do feel sorry for her.
Regarding her parents, they seem to me a wonderful family, really. They were aware of Nikki's experimentation with cocaine and were trying hard to solve that problem, including a visit to a specialist doctor scheduled in the days after the accident. Even the best parents cannot do much more in case of rebellious teens. And they are a family of faith; I'm sure this Christian family has forgiven all the harassment and bullying, and I'm sure God is helping them, anyway.
Regards from Europe.
I agree with many of the points made by the author and some of us (myself included) need a reality check instead of getting consumed by political correctness.
I agree that the parents should not be subject to people abusing them with the photos.
How the fuck did she have the audacity to take keys to her parents car and go screaming down the road at 100 mph?
Life is complicated by ourselves and those around us. There is no straight-forward answer.
But, everyone is entitled to their opinion.
You are a backwards cunt a typical demented American. She took her dad's car out for a spin and died for it and like the spastic you are you're frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog. It's you and your like that need putting down, cunting cunt!
She didn't take the car out for a spin you retard, she took it for a roll. And then she lost her head and kissed the wall.
Totally agree. Just saw a vid on youtube about this & looked up this idiot online, which is how i found your blog post. I hope this dumbkunt's father is tortured & burned alive for 1) being the one who caused this 2) actually making 20 million MORE FRICKING BUCKS from the stupidity of the dumbkunt he & his idiot wifey forced onto the planet. Nothing is better than the death of rich assholes, IMO.
Well done.
Speaking of dumbkunts, many have commented here. Looks like a typical Brit misogynist called "shaft" had to lay an extra helping of his hatred of women on you. "Shaft".... LOLOLOL....perfect name for a dickwad. It's no wonder that (((uberwealthy celebrities))) get away with murder....dumbkunts, especially brown turdworders...literally cannot wait to suck the dicks of (((their masters)))
Forgive me, sna... I took NyQuil a short time ago so I'm kind of loopy right now. Time for bed. But before I go...
IDK if you addressed this. I DID read your posts...like I said, I took NyQuil. I"m in la-la land right now, so, my apologies if you did address this.
Her father DID try to stop her. He did immediately call 911 as soon as he found out she took off in the Porsche. He at least tried to stop her. I give him credit for that. Regardless of your feelings towards him, it had to be horrible for the 911 operator to put him on hold and come back on the line and tell him about the crash.
I do believe the officers who leaked the pics were out of line and wrong. But they didn't break the law. Do I think the parents deserved a payout from a lawsuit over the leaked photos? I do not. I don't think the police should have leaked them, but by the same token, I also don't believe the family should have received a settlement. BUT...(you're not going to like this BUT...) I do understand why they filed the lawsuit. The accident was 100% Nikki's fault. NO doubt about it. These people were hurting. Their daughter died in a horrific crash (which was totally HER fault) and those horrific photos of her were all over the internet. They didn't want anyone to see her that way. (again, HER fault...I get it) I mean, think about it. Think of the person you love most in this world. Would you want such horrific photos of your loved one all over the internet if they looked like Nikki in photos? That's their daughter. (yes, their cokehead daughter...but still their daughter) They are parents. They want to protect her and her memory. They dont' want those photos to be what everyone thinks of when they hear Nikki's name. Perhaps it was easier for them to be mad at the cops for leaking the pics than it was to be angry with Nikki for being so stupid as to do coke and then take off in daddy's car and die in a horrific crash?
Its downright chilling to think of the destruction she so very easily could have caused with her wreckless highway...the lanes on the highway, the high rates of speed and she other drivers would been doing...the impact would have been horrific. It truly is miraculous that no one else was hurt.
Two years ago my daughter in law had left the firehouse where she and my son are volunteers. She had about 100 yards of highway to travel on before turning off to continue home. Just as she was slowing down she looked in her rear view to see an suv barreling down on her. She tried to make a defensive maneuver, but the girl was coming too quickly and hit my daughter in law, propelling her into a gas pump which immediately exploded on impact. Fortunately, due to her ff training, she was able to crawl out of her Jeep with a fractured ankle, hip, and shattered pelvis. The girl who hit her was a convicted heroin addict who “doesn’t remember the accident” and walked away from the accident without a scratch. She then had the balls to give my daughter in law the finger at the courthouse. She had been driving mommy’s suv on mommy’s insurance policy...just a special kind of stupid right there.
snafubar, not only are you a psychopath with no empathy. You're also a hypocrite
“You seem to know what's in my head.”
“Why and how am I going to hurt someone? Tell me how much you can see into my head.”
People can't read your mind, can't know your story, can't figure you out for the decade(s) of deep experiences and personality you've had? Good. Then why would you demean a father and mother's suffering and assume you know their story of raising their daughter for eighteen years. You cannot possibly understand or know what went on in their family. You're a stranger not a victim. You have no right to be angry, you didn't lose a daughter or son that day. They did, and they're suffering an immense ammount of pain that words can't even describe.
For a father or mother to be emailed a photo of their disfigured dead daughter taunting them is awful. Those parents don't deserve that torture and for you to say “You should be forced to have that picture printed on a T-Shirt.” is a clear lack of human empathy. You're a psychopath and have no right to be angry.
“Shut the fuck up. You have no idea what monsters you are."
Someone like yourself who clearly lacks empathy isn't in a position to call people monsters. To be so entitled, to think YOU are the angry victim instead of the grieving father and mother is humanity at its worst. If only you could look in a mirror, you'll answer your question.
It's been almost a decade and you're still a angry person? Get the fuck over it shit happens. Yeah she was a spoiled brat so is every person in Orange County! You think you're special entitling yourself and should be the only person with feelings?
You're a miserable human being who needs psychiatric help either get help or go get a car and everybody a favor.
One of the people so enraged at the original post have said that the tragedy is only to the family of the dead girl, because nobody else was killed. I posed the question, judgment of the $20 million if Nikki Catsouras had killed someone else?
One of the original pictures was an aerial photograph of the crash scene. The Porsche crossed three lanes of oncoming traffic then hit the toll-plaza building which was normally occupied. No one ever addressed the potential for the loss of life in the oncoming cars or the occupant of the toll both.
nobody took me up on it.
The last comment was "it's been almost a decade and you're still an angry person?"
Because in that decade, here's the story of a person who drove the wrong way up a highway, and people died.
My point - the point not one person who thinks I"m a horrible person for posting this will address, other than the say "It didn't happen" is - what would be the reality in 2020 if a person was impaired and drove up the wrong side of a highway, or into a church bus?
Reckless endangerment, driving under the influence, operating while impaired…
there were so many other ways for this to unfold; and so, it seemed to be in contradiction to say that the sorrow and loss of the girl who held the loaded weapon and missed is the only trauma here. If a person had used a loaded gun, fired into a crowd, and missed - do we say "sorry, you're free to go because you did not hit anyone, and you weren't really aiming anyway, so it's all fine." ?
For those of you who think I'm a miserable human being - and I love the woman who used the word that rhymes with "runt" as many times in a sentence as bad grammar will allow to refer to me - I stand on the idea that 40,000 people a year die in their cars.
The ones who are responsible for the accident they cause are rarely compensated with huge sums of money after the wreck; if they live. The culpability for how this unfolded starts with who held the keys, permission or not; who started the car, who drove the car, and who did something so blindingly reckless that her act resulted in the photos of her body. I never got a single person to address what their opinion would be about the driver of this car if the photo of the person with her head peeled open was your sister, your daughter, your mother - or you. Because the laws of physics and probability were pushed to make a big window for that outcome to have been avoided in this case.
My mother told a story that when she was in high school in 1954, a classmate of hers was killed in an accident. The parents of her classmate who died in that crash had the wreckage of the car towed to the front of the school they attended and left there for the rest of the term, so that all the classmates could see the potential for a car to be a lethal weapon, or a coffin.
I still can't motivate myself to take this post down. American drivers die and kill other people at a rate that equals the death toll of 9/11/2001 about every three to four weeks.
The lesson here is "don't shame the family and post gruesome autopsy photos of the dead", the lesson is "Don't forget that a moving car is as good as a weapon, and if you kill someone with it, the one who sat behind the wheel is no less responsible than the one who pulls the trigger on any other lethal weapon, whether they intended to kill anyone else or not."
Since this story, there was also the driver of truck who hit a church bus that wrecked and killed 13; also under the influence, sentenced to 55 years in prison.
But the idea that some of you are yelling at me - and saying things like "get the fuck over it" -
"go get a car and (do) everybody a favor" - - that's beautiful.
People here want me to kill myself, and those people say I need mental help.
Irony is a fascinating thing, it is.
Where can I find the book the mother wrote?
Please where can I find the book?
Please where can I find the book?
Please where can I find the book?
Please where can I find the book?
I'm trying to think of how I would react if I were the parents. I would be absolutely devastated if somebody sent me pictures of that, but I have to admit my first thought would not be to sue somebody over it. But then again, I am a child of God and children of God are not supposed to take revenge. I leave that for God to do.
“i am so angry because this hypothetical situation COULD HAVE HAPPENED. but it didn’t….. but i’m STILL ANGRY. and i’m angry that the parents aren’t angry at the hypothetical situation that could have happened either!!!!!!! WOW. how could they NOT BE ANGRY at SOMETHING THAT NEVER HAPPENED? what assholes amiright? pfftt, upset that they had to see their daughters head split open with brains spilling out…… fucking dicks. why would they be upset about that?”
that’s how you sound.
This “writer” sounds angry. Could be a million reasons why. I stopped reading, and just skimmed once this person talked about their car article, as if that makes them an authority. The writing is confusing at times because of the lack of ability of this person to stay on topic and to finish a clear, complete sentiment.
Google Google Google Google
Completely agree.. Rambling on about what could have happened to other people to try an justify the complete lack of empathy in the idiotic rant
mt076, go take your distemper pills.
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